Welcome to the 2025 TTIC Summer Workshop Program
June 2 - June 3: Midwest Robotics Workshop (MWRW)
- Daniel Bruder (University of Michigan)
- Kathryn Daltorio (Case Western)
- Ram Vasudevan (University of Michigan)
- Matt Walter (TTIC)
- Ilias Diakonikolas (UW Madison)
- Aaron Potechin (U Chicago)
July 21 - July 22: Algorithmic Game Theory
Organizers and speakers:
- Dirk Bergemann (Yale)
- Avrim Blum (TTIC)
- Rahul Jain (USC)
- Elchanan Mossel (MIT)
- Vijay Subramanian (Michigan)
- Milind Tambe (Harvard)
- Omer Tamuz (Caltech)
- Eva Tardos (Cornell)
August 4 - August 6: Algorithmic and Structural Aspects of Submodularity
- Chandra Chekuri (UIUC)
- Karthic Chandrasekaran (UIUC)
- Jan Vondrak (Stanford)
August 11 - August 13: Incentives for Collaborative Learning and Data Sharing
- Sarah Cen (MIT -> CMU)
- Kate Donahue (MIT -> UIUC)
- Sai Praneeth Karimireddy (USC)
- Kumar Kshitij Patel (TTIC)
- Han Shao (Harvard -> U Maryland)
- Xinyi Xu (NUS)
August 18 - August 20: Workshop on Local Algorithms (WoLA)
Organizers include:
- Ronitt Rubinfeld (MIT)
- Ali Vakilian (TTIC)
September 4 - September 5: Foundations of Speech and Audio Foundation Models
- Karen Livescu (TTIC)
- Shinji Watanabe (CMU)
September (dates TBD): Midwest Computational Biology Workshop, organized jointly with the Chan Zuckerberg Biohub Chicago
Organizers include:
- Aly Azeem Khan (UChicago)
- Derek Reiman (TTIC)
The 2025 Midwest Computational Biology Workshop will explore emerging topics in the field of computational biology, covering a spectrum of algorithmic and machine learning challenges to address biological questions. The workshop will bring together a wide range of participants from different backgrounds (computer science, biology, medicine) and positions (undergrads, grad students, faculty, industry professionals). By connecting these researchers, the workshop aims to initiate new interdisciplinary interactions and collaborations.