Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago prides itself on its commitment to supporting the students of the institute community. When those students need additional help, TTIC Student Services is happy to assist.

In accordance with the Illinois Higher Education Housing and Opportunities Act, a HOUSE liaison has been established to support students that may be experiencing or on the brink of housing insecurity. The liaison will assist students with on and off campus resources so that they do not have to solve this issue on their own.

Who is the TTIC HOUSE liaison?

Erica Cocom, Assistant Director of Admissions and Student Services, HOUSE liaison To contact Erica, in preferred order: | Slack message | 773.702.2396

What do HOUSE liaisons do?

HOUSE liaisons assist students who are facing housing insecurity or homelessness. This can be as simple as directing students to existing TTIC support resources such as the Student Emergency Fund, or providing assistance in applying for local, federal, and/or state resources to assist with finding food and basic needs assistance. Liaisons can also connect students to community organizations or Continuum of Care. Students who are at risk of housing insecurity may also be eligible for emergency fund assistance that may temporarily help during a time of crisis by providing funds for gas, groceries, utilities or rent.

There is no shame in experiencing housing insecurity or homelessness. The problem is the lack of housing; it is not because of personal failure.

Who can benefit from support according to the Illinois Higher Education Housing and Opportunities Act?

“An individual enrolled in an institution who lacks or is at imminent risk of lacking a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence or whose parent or legal guardian is unable or unwilling to provide shelter and care and includes a homeless individual as defined under the federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act.” HOUSE liaisons also support “student(s) in care,” defined as any person regardless of age who is or was under the care and legal custody of the department of children and family services.

What is a Continuum of Care (CoC)?

Continuum of Care is a local or regional system that helps provide housing services and funding for homeless individuals and families. Chicago’s Continuum of Care is AllChicago.

How do I submit a referral?

Please email to submit referrals of students who may benefit from this. Referrals can be from faculty, staff or other students.

Additional resources: