Hello! I am currently VP of Research at QuillBot, a startup focused on paraphrase generation, summarization, and grammar error correction. From 2015 to 2024 I was an assistant professor at Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago, a philanthropically endowed academic computer science institute on the University of Chicago campus. I received my Ph.D. in 2012 from the Language Technologies Institute at Carnegie Mellon University.

My research has focused on natural language processing, including representation learning, structured prediction, robust and data-efficient NLP, and world modeling for natural language understanding. I collaborated with others in the speech and language group at TTIC, including several PhD students and visiting students. My research was supported in part by the NSF, Google, Bloomberg, and Amazon. In March 2022, I took a leave of absence from TTIC to work at QuillBot.

      email: kgimpel ttic edu